The Post-Writing Spree Fallout

I feel that, sometimes, I pick on Huffington Post. This time, though, I’m actually condoning an article by novelist Holly Robinson. She outlines the perfect writing situation, an idea I covered in “Why Ritualized Writing is Dangerous,” and how the post-writing spree is a challenging time to get plots, ideas, and motivation back on track.

Tips 2 and 3 are ones I follow most frequently. They describe journal-keeping and taking notes, i.e. the “always be writing” idea. It’s honestly one of the most honest and straightforward articles on motivated writing I’ve seen in a long time.

About Brennan Reid (100 Articles)
I'm Illinois born, Indiana educated, and writing for a living in Missouri.

1 Comment on The Post-Writing Spree Fallout

  1. I totally relate to this, as both a writer and a literary blogger. Sometimes I have faced the fallout, other times I have avoided it, and I have learned from both situations. Great post!

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